After class the other day, one of you asked about how you refute the “college isn’t for everyone” argument. This new data goes a long way to refuting it. Colleges […]
Author Archive | Cathy Davidson
Mentoring workshop, upcoming classes, final requirements: A Recap
Subject: Mentoring workshop, upcoming classes, final requirements: A Recap Hi everyone, Thanks, first of all, to Group Four for yet another incredibly rich, full, tantalizing, stimulating class. Second, thanks to […]
Designing Higher Ed from the Outside In–and Out Again
Yesterday, Group 4 tackled not just inner space but architecture, turning what has been called the most “vile classroom” at the GC into an interactive, multipurpose, lovely space. I wish […]
Higher Education Becomes Even More Unequal–and a Radical Proposal
Here’s an interesting blog: What do you think?
Two Summaries: Innovation and Higher Ed and State of Humanities
Two interesting summaries: American Academy of Arts and Sciences on the Humanities in higher education: Learning from five unique university innovation incubators and institutional changes required to […]
Great talk by U Washington Interim President Ana Marie Cause: “Diversity Supercharges Innovation”
Wonderful talk by the President of the University of Washington, Professor Ana Marie Cause:
Building Equity and Innovation Into a Syllabus: Or, We May Not Be Able to Change the Word But We Can Change Our Classrooms
In “Mapping the Futures of Higher Education,” the first Futures Initiative course, President Emeritus William Kelly and I focused on pedagogy, on what you can do tomorrow in your classroom […]
Howard Rheingold Offering Online Course on Cooperation and Co-Learning
Hi everyone, For anyone who wants more theory about co-learning, Howard Rheingold (father of Mamie, who visited our class) has retired from UC Berkeley and Stanford but is still running […]
Is Educational Freedom and Choice Always Free? Reflections on Our Conversation with Dean John Mogulescu
(Another version was posted to our Futures Initiative group on This week our “Mapping the Futures of Higher Education” course had the honor of hosting Dean John Mogulescu, Founding […]
CHE Piece About Our Course Comes Out On Friday, April 17
Hi everyone, Before I forget: We need you to make edits to the language for the Futures Initiative Scholar certificate (and for your students’ and your resumes). A version was […]